Monday, January 28, 2013

Sulky Day Is Over...You Can come Out From the Covers Now!

I was really feeling sorry for myself yesterday,  I don't feel that way often anymore, honest.  But when I sulk and feel sorry for myself, I let go!!! 

It's over today, so for all of those that ran and hid under the covers can come out now!  It's safe!  My barking is over!  A comment from yesterday's post helped me so much.  I talk about how things were 37 years ago.  Ladies, I have come to realize that many of you don't get to hold your babies or have pictures taken either.  Some more education is needed for our doctors and hospitals.  I will spend the rest of my life working on this for your angels and mine.  They WILL make a difference in this world because of all of you and myself educating others in anyway we can.

You all inspire me with your faithfulness and never ending energy to the cause of babyloss.  Each of our babies died for many different reasons.  Some drew breaths on earth for a while, and others did not.  Some of you may not have known the sex of your baby, but God knows.  A baby growing inside its mother's womb matters.  Every mother's voice counts for her child.  Every child matters.  To quote from one of my favorite stories, The Velveteen Rabbit, "Once you are real, you can't become unreal again.  It lasts for always."  Our babies were real and still are real forever.  Let's continue to speak out, educate, and help other grief-stricken mothers so our own suffering is not in vain.

Thank you all for teaching me.

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